Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Saying, 'Time Flies,' is an Understatement

Well, here I am another year since my last blog post. New Year's resolution for 2015: Update my blog more!

I'll give a quick update since my last post. I am no longer teaching at Uncorked. While I enjoyed teaching the classes, the schedule was getting to be a bit much with Sam traveling during the week and I wanted more time to focus on creating my own artwork. By doing so, I had more time to work on preparing to be a part of the St. Robert's Chic Boutique, which took place in October. The Boutique proved to be successful for me and I really enjoyed being part of it! I was lucky to have the help of my sister, Stephanie, at the event. She was great at helping me set up and doing a little marketing, as well!

I've also started holding classes where people can paint their own door hangers at Clara's Closet in Elkhorn. My other sister, Kris, owns Clara's and allows me to use the space in the evenings for such classes. I love teaching these classes and hope to hold even more in 2015.

My other big news is that we welcome a sweet baby girl, Sylvia, to our family in November. Life is proving to be busy with three kids, but I already can't imagine it any other way.

Here are some pictures of 2014.

Me and my sister, Steph, at my booth at the St. Robert's Chic Boutique.

Door Hanging Classes at Clara's Closet in Elkhorn.
Contact me if interested! Classes are $35

Some examples of door hangers. More to come in 2015!

5x7 Name Meaning Prints $30 framed, $15 printed on canvas paper

Wooden Chevron Letter Door Hangers $40

Some fun customized orders.

12 x 12 Wedding Initial Canvases. $50
And, here's one of little Sylvia. She's just so sweet!