Monday, February 27, 2012

Gia's Elephant

This is one of my favorite paintings! I painted this as a gift for my best friend, Libby, and her husband, Chris. They were pregnant with a little girl and I wanted to do something for the nursery. They had an adorable elephant lamp and pillow for the nursery and were decorating the room in pinks and greens. Libby thought going with an elephant theme would be cute, so I came up with this. I loved creating something so girly and I played with texture a bit, too. The centers of some of the flowers are fake fabric and paper flowers I attached to the painting. There is also some "bling" with a few gemstones glued on the flowers. The painting is 30" x 40" and hangs in sweet Gia's bedroom. I found out recently that Gia has to touch the elephant every morning when she gets up. That makes my heart melt.

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