Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A car, A horse and A few flowers

I've spent this past month working on the paintings below. They've been a lot of fun and it's fun to get compliments from Stella, as she is a fan of all three. I could probably paint a blank canvas any shade of pink and she would love it, but it's still nice to hear!
The horse is for my friend, Lisa, to give to her sister, who is expecting a little girl soon. Lisa has ordered several kid paintings from me and I always love to paint them. This is one of my absolute favorites, though!
24" x 36" Heather's Horse

The car and flowers are for my cousin, Matt and his wife, Kira. They have Hayes, who will be two in January and Sydney, who is just a few months old. Unfortunately, I don't get to see them much because they live in California. I'm hoping to see them over the holidays or I'd love to make a trip out there to visit. Until then, I hope they enjoy a little piece of me in these paintings. My aunt, Marilyn ordered the paintings for them. Hayes loves cars and Sydney's room is decorated in pinks and browns.

12" x 16" Sydney's Flowers

12"x 16" Hayes' Car

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Busy Summer!

How did it go from April to August already? Time really does go faster the older you get! We had a fantastic summer filled with HOT days at the park and pool, a trip to the Quad Cities to visit friends from Springfield, a trip to Chicago, an adults trip to Kansas City and we just got back from a week spent in Omaha. I managed to keep busy with my painting, so I'll catch you all up!

Alison's Flower

This is a 24" x 30" canvas I painted for a friend, Alison, to give to her mom for Mother's Day. Her mom loved the gift!

Bree's Bloom

This is a 36" x 36" canvas I painted for our friends, Bree and Kevin. They've been doing some re-decorating in their home and wanted a new painting for their living room. I loved the background of this painting. Simple and modern.


I LOVED painting this 24" x 24" canvas for our friends, Trevor and Wendy. This is their adorable dog, Macy. It was fun to see Macy come to life and I got a kick out of it when Kolar saw it and giggled like crazy.


I painted this one night when Sam was gone. I had used a new texturing medium, which makes the canvas feel rough to the touch and adds some dimension. I love the way it turned out...now I just need to find the perfect spot!

Bathroom Blooms

Okay, maybe not the most appealing name, but I did paint this for our guest bathroom, which is navy and yellow.
This adds the perfect pop of color!

Jackson's Jungle

Michaela, a friend from college, contacted me about painting a mural for her son's nursery. I had a lot of fun painting this one and hope that Jackson loves it as much as I do!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Porkchop, the Boston Terrier

This was a first for me! About a month ago, Joy, a friend from high school, contacted me about painting a picture of her beloved Boston Terrier, Porkchop. I was honest in telling her that I had never painted portraits of animals (or humans) for that matter, but that I was up for the challenge! I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous. Luckily, Joy had faith in me and once I started sketching Porkchop, I really began to love this project. Joy had sent me a few pictures of Porkchop, of what she was looking for and just asked that I include bright colors. What you see is Porkchop dressed up as a ballerina one year for Halloween.

"Porchop" 20" x 20" Canvas

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Freeland's Flowers

I just finished painting this for our good friends, Jeff and Sarah. They have a beautiful home and this is going to hang in their kitchen. The painting is 30" x 40" and I'm actually having a hard time letting go of this one. It looks great in our house and makes such a statement! I hope they love it as much as I do.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Gia's Elephant

This is one of my favorite paintings! I painted this as a gift for my best friend, Libby, and her husband, Chris. They were pregnant with a little girl and I wanted to do something for the nursery. They had an adorable elephant lamp and pillow for the nursery and were decorating the room in pinks and greens. Libby thought going with an elephant theme would be cute, so I came up with this. I loved creating something so girly and I played with texture a bit, too. The centers of some of the flowers are fake fabric and paper flowers I attached to the painting. There is also some "bling" with a few gemstones glued on the flowers. The painting is 30" x 40" and hangs in sweet Gia's bedroom. I found out recently that Gia has to touch the elephant every morning when she gets up. That makes my heart melt.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Paintings for Clara's Closet

These are paintings I did for Clara's Closet. Clara's Closet is a DARLING little spot in Elkhorn, NE. It's the perfect place to host little girls' birthday parties. Kids can choose from a huge assortment of dress-up clothes, get all dressed up, get their nails painted, put on "makeup" and have a fashion show, wedding or tea-party. Check out the link below to find out more.


My sister asked me to paint these and I had so much fun with it. I loved "doodling" the backgrounds and using all the bright colors. I think they are going to look great at adorable Clara's!

Painting for Mr. Rhett

This is a 10" x 10" canvas I painted for my dear friends, Mike and Denise, for their son, Rhett. Mike is a loyal Cubs fan and Rhett's room is adorably decorated with Madras bedding and some baseball-themed accents. I thought this would be a good way to incorporate the theme and personalize it with Rhett's name and "stats."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dinner Prayer

I first painted this Dinner Prayer for my sister, Stephanie. I have to give her some of the credit of the design, as it was her vision. It has become one of my favorites and I've actually done several in different sizes and colors. It's a great reminder to thank the Lord for all the blessings we have!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kid Paintings Gallery

I LOVE painting canvases for kids and for their rooms! Kids' rooms are so fun to decorate and it's fun to create something to complement these special places. Here's several I've done over the years.

Jackson's Sports

Kennedy's Alphabet

Demi's Flowers

Brynna's Flowers (these are some of my first)!

Emily's ABC's

Hudson's Transportation

Lily's Purse

Lamb and M is for Macy

Flowers for Reagan

A Little Fairy

Roberto's Frog

Blooms for Hayden

Daniel's Elephant

Pink is Always Pretty

Prayer for a Child

Ellie's Birdie

Niko's Giraffe

Go Huskers!

Kayla's Lamb

Prayer for a Child

Lucas' Monkey

Macy's Alphabet

Meghan's Sheep

Stella's Birdie

Evan's Sheep

Lindsay's Whale

Trio of Birds